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Consider this template that will generate the output of an AssemblyInfo.cs file
<%@ Property Name="Author" Type="System.String" Description="Lead author of the project." %> <%@ Property Name="Title" Type="System.String" Description="Title of the project." %> <%@ Property Name="Description" Type="System.String" Description="Description of the project." %> <%@ Property Name="Configuration" Type="System.String" Default="Debug" Description="Project configuration." %> <%@ Property Name="Company" Type="System.String" Default="MegaUtilities, Inc." %> <%@ Property Name="Product" Type="System.String" Description="Product Name." %> <%@ Property Name="Version" Type="System.String" Default="1.0.*" Description=".NET assembly version." %> <%@ Property Name="FileVersion" Type="System.String" Default="1.0" Description="Win32 file version." %> using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; // // Created: <%= DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() %> // Author : <%= Author %> // [assembly: AssemblyTitle("<%= Title %>")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("<%= Description %>")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("<%= Configuration %>")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("<%= Company %>")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("<%= Product %>")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (c) <%= DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() %> <%= Company %>")] [assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("<%= Version %>")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("<%= FileVersion %>")] [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(true)] |
You should notice three distinct types of code in the previous template
1.Content that will never change
CodeSmith treat any code written outside the tag
as a static content that will appear as it was written the output file
2.Content that can be automatically generated
Like the segment
<%= DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() %> |
This will print the date of creation the output file
3. Content that you will prompt the user for
Like the property
<%@ Property Name="FileVersion" Type="System.String" Default="1.0" Description="Win32 file version."%> |
This property will prompt the user to enter the value of the FileVersion