Saturday, July 28, 2007

Google Boring Blog Editor

Every time I create a new post in the blogger I get bored from the post editor

You may ask why???

As I make a series of switches between the html editor and the Rich Text editor

I can't use only one to post a message

For example:

If I want to add an embed object or a movie, I have to use the html editor so I have to format the text in the html editor,… I lose my eyesight inside the html tags.

If I want to add a code snippet I have to format it in the html editor

If switched to html editor and get back to the Rich Text sometimes I lose the format of text formatted before.

Some html tags are not working in the html editor so I can't use an html document generated by MS Word.

Add to this somethings that I forgot.

So I lose a lot of time editing my posts

May I say that I was too lazy, but now I'm not?

And it is the last time to lose time editing my posts

Now I write my post in MS Word and I made simple windows app that convert each text block into its corresponding html format that I need.

That all

This scren shot was edited by the image option

Download Demo - 5 KB
Download Source - 13 KB

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Type.GetProperty Method

public PropertyInfo GetProperty ( string name )

This function Searches for the public property with the specified name.


using System;
using System.Reflection;

class MyClass
    private int myProperty;
    // Declare MyProperty.
    public int MyProperty
            return myProperty;
public class MyTypeClass
    public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the Type object corresponding to MyClass.
            Type myType=typeof(MyClass);    
            // Get the PropertyInfo object by passing the property name.
            PropertyInfo myPropInfo = myType.GetProperty("MyProperty");
            // Display the property name.
            Console.WriteLine("The {0} property exists in MyClass.", myPropInfo.Name);
        catch(NullReferenceException e)
            Console.WriteLine("The property does not exist in MyClass." + e.Message);

Domain Model

What’s a Domain Model?

A domain model is a project dictionary of all the terms used in your project.

It shows graphically how all these different terms relate to each other.

It’s a simplified class diagram

It shows aggregation and generalization relationships (has-a and is-a relationships) between the domain classes.

Top 10 Domain Modeling Guidelines

1. Focus on real-world (problem domain) objects.

2. Use generalization (is-a) and aggregation (has-a) relationships to show how the objects relate to each other.

3. Limit your initial domain modeling efforts to a couple of hours.

4. Organize your classes around key abstractions in the problem domain.

5. Don’t mistake your domain model for a data model.

6. Don’t confuse an object (which represents a single instance) with a database table (which contains a collection of things).

7. Use the domain model as a project glossary.

8. Do your initial domain model before you write your use cases, to avoid name ambiguity.

9. Don’t expect your final class diagrams to precisely match your domain model, but there should be some resemblance between them.

10. Don’t put screens and other GUI-specific classes on your domain model.


Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: A Practical Approach. Exists at

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jing : Free Screen Recording Software

Jing Project is a free screen recording software from the Camtasia folk.

With Jing you can

Capture Images: Snap a picture of anything on your desktop.

Record Video : Record video of what you do, or what you see.

Share Online : Instantly uploaded. Share in email, IM, or blogs.

Go to Jing Now

Friday, July 13, 2007

I/O Brush

The I/O Brush allows you to paint using the world as your palette

See this amazing video "S'il vous plait"

Also see the story