Thursday, April 10, 2008

Overriding UDP and Application layer in NS-2

This article is a great, it explains the process in more detail but it is application specific and more complicated that the needed stuff. So I tried to down the stairs and make a simplified version of the code to override the UDP and Application layer.

To run the example you just need to do the following steps:

1- Download the source and extract it then place the ex1 folder @ /your path/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/

2- Modify the ns-default.tcl file @ /your path/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/ tcl/lib/

Add the following line

Agent/UdpLayer set packetSize_ 1052

3- Modify the @ /your path/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/

Put in the OBJ_CC list the following lines

ex1/udplayer.o \

ex1/sinklayer.o \

ex1/trafficlayer.o \


4- Recompilation of NS-2

cd /your path/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/


make clean; make

5- Run the example

ns ex1/test.tcl

I hope this can help and I can do next tasks quickly

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